Friday, August 19, 2011

Budget Woes

This week has brought interesting news about library budgets across the state.

Chattanooga and Hamilton County have split, with the public library now being solely funded by the city. Residents of Hamilton County that do not live in the city limits will have to pay to get a library card. The libraries in Memphis are cutting hours and all of their part-time staff, with remaining staff getting a pay cut. Many smaller public libraries are facing budget cuts, and more school librarians are being shifted around.

If your library is facing budget trouble, and you need support or ideas, please contact TLA. We have advocacy resources, contacts with other state and national organizations, and want to help.

Libraries are too important to disappear quietly.


  1. The link for more information on Chattanooga's library situation does not seem to go anywhere. Here is a link to the article that was posted on 8/15/11:

  2. Thanks for catching that! The link has been corrected in the post as well.
