Tuesday, June 14, 2011


TLA is all about its members. I'd like to make sure new members know how to get involved and what TLA has to offer. 

I think a New Members Roundtable would be a good place to start. 

The TLA Bylaws (page 7) explain how to form a Roundtable. First, there's a petition, then the group writes their own Bylaws, and the TLA Board reviews the petition.

If you're a new member of TLA and would like to form a Roundtable, please sign this (electronic) petition.   

Approval could come as quickly as August. Let me know what you think!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hi there!

As the incoming President of TLA, I've started this blog as a way to share information and get your comments. 

Right now anyone can comment; moderation is turned on.