Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New TLA position

As a chapter of the American Library Association, TLA gets free access to CapWiz, an online legislation action center that can help advocates talk to elected officials on the state and federal level.

This year, TLA has a Legislation Monitor, who will be our CapWiz expert. Jason Vance has accepted this position and will be monitoring legislation that would impact libraries in Tennessee.

And in case you haven't met Jason, here's his official photo.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

FutureTLA conferences

The annual conference is one of the most important benefits of TLA membership. Since it is so important, this year there's a team reviewing all the different parts of the conference. 

In the coming weeks, you'll get a survey asking for your input, experiences, and what you want from future conferences.  I hope you'll use this chance to share your thoughts!